Inside|Out Stewardship Journey Overview

A clock, a brain, and a money bag.

Take a minute to watch this overview video for Inside/Out: a Stewardship Journey. This six-part journey will walk us through the stewardship of the macro-themes of in our lives: Time, Talent and Treasure. We will explore both our interior life as it relates to the deep spaces where Christ intersects within us as well as the exterior places where we practically express each of these themes outside within our own context.

The essence of the entire journey is to live into these two scriptural truths – everything is God’s and we are invited by Him because of our redemption through Christ, to be stewards and to participate.

GOD’s PART: Yours, O Lord, is the greatness, the power, the glory, the victory, and the majesty. Everything in the heavens and on earth is yours, O Lord, and this is your kingdom. We adore you as the one who is over all things. Wealth and honor come from you alone, for you rule over everything. Power and might are in your hand, and at your discretion people are made great and given strength. “O our God, we thank you and praise your glorious name! Therefore it is good that a steward be found faithful 1 Chronicles 29:11-13

OUR PART: Moreover, it is required of stewards that they be found faithful. 1 Corinthians 4:2

Each month we will virtually access practical content, biblical and theological content, a real life story focusing on the topic and have a chance to contextually process within a cohort and/or with a mentor.

The time required for engaging with the content should require no more time than it would take to watch one episode of “The Office” on Netflix.

The flow of the content to interact with will follow this basic format:

  • Section 1 – Word: read, memorize and interact with the Scripture – take the full 23 minutes to allow the scripture for that month to become very familiar to you.
  • Section 2 -Watch: we will insert various videos of teachings that you are to watch and process.
  • Section 3 – Read: there will be selections from books, blogs and articles relevant to the macro theme for the semester to be read.
  • Section 4 – Reflect: the hope is that you can synthesize the content of the first three weeks of the month and take time to share an “Aha” with your cohort online and then share with your donors.

After twelve episodes, the storyline of the season should begin to embed itself in our heart and begin to be lived out in your lives.
