Insert Summary here
- Quote: “That internet fad won’t last a year’, his father had warned him. Dad was wrong.”(Blanchard & Cathy, 2002, p.16)
- Quote: “I wonder why I feel so dreadfully insignificant.” (Blanchard & Cathy, 2002, p.17)
- Note: Judging from the title of this book, I think it is safe to assume that this is definitely foreshadowing the emptiness one tends to feel when only chasing after riches of this world. Especially those that can so easily be taken away from you.
- Quote: “He volunteers what little free time he has left to help former prisoners reconnect with life. It’s his way of honoring the memory of the teacher who had come to his rescue.” (Blanchard & Cathy, 2002, p.20)
- Quote: “They wonder how a man with very little money—a man who struggles every day of his life—can manage a genuine smile and a warm word for every person he meets. But this is no mystery to the Driver. He often wonders how anyone could live life any other way.” (Blanchard & Cathy, 2002, p.21)
- Quote: “Despite his success, the Executive has never forgotten where he came from. He remembers what it’s like to be poor. He remembers the struggles, the setbacks, the total failures.” (Blanchard & Cathy, 2002, p.23)
- Quote: “There he learned a number of valuable skills—not just mechanical skills, but ‘people skills’ as well.”(Blanchard & Cathy, 2002, p.25)
- Note: This statement is a great lesson for those starting up their first job or someone who is just getting into their career. One should look for jobs that not only provide them with money, but also great skills to apply in all aspects of life. Even if someone does not have the luxury of finding a job with said aspects, they should try to incorporate those skills into the job itself so they may still learn.
- Quote: “Why would a successful executive take calls from strangers without having them screened first?” (Blanchard & Cathy, 2002, p.31)
- Quote: “And with that, the hardest, coldest man in new York went off to meet someone who may well be the more tenderhearted man in Denver.” (Blanchard & Cathy, 2002, p.36)
- Note: I love the stark contrast between the two businessmen that we were given and it goes to show that the Executive may very well may the Broker’s frozen heart and hopefully take back the arrest on the woman.
- Quote: “He wanted to make sure he asked all the right questions.” (Blanchard & Cathy, 2002, p.37)
- Quote: “The Broker was too worked up to sleep, so he unlocked the mini-bar in his room and had one of the cocktails he denied himself on the flight.” (Blanchard & Cathy, 2002, p.38)
- Note: This is something that should be remembered for any sort of interview. While this current situation of the Broker meeting the Executive is not an interview, it is the same context of wanting to fully understand the person/company you are visiting.
- Quote: “Each of these cars is unique. The Executive regards each of his coworkers as unique. Each of these cars is prized—in the same way every one of us is prized by him. Every car is of equal value to him, no matter the age, the condition, or the miles on the odometer. He values each of us in the same way.” (Blanchard & Cathy, 2002, p.39 & 40)
- This quote gives us a perfect example of the love we receive from God and how no matter how different we are or “broken”, God loves us all unconditionally and values us all the same.
- Quote: “It’s simple, really. He wants to let you in on his secret, so you can change your world as he’s changed his.”(Blanchard & Cathy, 2002, p.40)
- I love this description of why the Executive is so eager to meet the Broker and that the information he is going to provide the Broker is not for his own benefit, but solely because he wants to spread kindness.
- Quote: “I believe giving is so important that I’ve developed a plan that actually makes it a tremendous pleasure to give. I call it the ‘Generosity Factor,’ and I use every opportunity I can to share the plan with others.” (Blanchard & Cathy, 2002, p. 41)
- This quote sets into stone the purpose of the Generosity Factor and adds a level of respect to the executive because he takes every moment he can to share his plan.
- Quote: “I’ve lived many years and enjoyed so many blessings. And I believe that because much has been given to me, I owe much in return. I also believe that we can all find time to do the things we enjoy. I enjoy discovering ways to meet the needs of others, so I make time for that.” (Blanchard & Cathy, 2002, p. 43)
- While giving can feel like a duty, there’s freedom in it. For example, like how tithing can feel like a duty, there’s freedom in it since the payer gives back to what is God’s since everything is His.
- Quote: He figures in my world. That’s why I close all my stores on Sundays. Gives our team members time for their families. Time to worship, if they choose to.” (Blanchard & Cathy, 2002, p. 46)
- Thinking back to how everything is God’s, so is time. It’s important to take time on the Sabbath day to worship and honor Him.
- Quote: “So I gave Him my heart, my possessions, my talents, and my time.” (Blanchard & Cathy, 2002, p. 47)
- Just as time and money belong to God, so does everything else.
- Quote: “A generous person quickly discovers that each new day provides new opportunities to impact the lives of others. Every day we can find countless ways—great and small—to make someone’s life better.” (Blanchard & Cathy, 2002, p. 51)
- Just like the executive’s goal to share the Generosity Factor at every opportunity he comes upon to, he also wants to brighten everyone’s day. This adds to his character.
- Quote: “Generosity is an attitude. It has to be cultivated daily.” (Blanchard & Cathy, 2002, p. 52)
- Staying motivated is crucial to being generous. Generosity goes hand in hand with kindness, too. Incorporating both positive qualities in life can help generosity come more easily.
- Quote: “It’s one thing to think about ways to help others; it’s quite another to act.” (Blanchard & Cathy, 2002, p. 60)
- While thinking about being generous is great, acting upon those good intentions is wonderful.
- Quote: “I’ve set up a foundation to provide a variety of services for kids. Up here, we have Higher Hopes Camp for boys and girls, we provide boarding for students who are going to school on our scholarship program, and we have another foster home” (Blanchard & Cathy, 2002, p. 62)
- This quote further adds to the executive’s character. It also provides examples of ways to be generous. If someone wants to start being more generous in their life and doesn’t know where to start, volunteering for summer camps for underprivileged youth can be a great starting point.
- Quote: “I try to remember my blessings every day.” (Blanchard & Cathy, 2002, p. 71)
- This is a great way to remember the importance of being generous: to share your blessings with those who have less.
- Quote: “Master, Mission, and Mate. The three ‘M’s.” (Blanchard & Cathy, 2002, p. 72)
- These are the basics for a fulfilling life. The master is God, the mission is a life’s purpose, and mate is someone to share that purpose with.
- Quote: “At the top of the page he wrote the words, MY BLESSINGS: AN INVENTORY.” (Blanchard & Cathy, 2002, p. 76)
- Keeping blessings in the forefront of your mind is crucial to remembering them. In turn, remembering them will help you be more generous.
- “On and on he wrote. He managed to fill three of the little pages in less than ten minutes.” (Blanchard & Cathy, 2002, p. 77)
- Having so many blessings is amazing. The more blessings that can be thought of are more reasons to give and be generous.
- Quote: “First of all, I’m thankful for God’s unconditional love for me.” (Blanchard & Cathy, 2002, p. 81)
- Putting God as the first blessing is a great way to start a blessings chart. Because everything is His, He is the greatest blessing.
- Quote: “Blessings really are gifts. And I’m just the steward of anything that’s been given to me. I’m a caretaker. Because much has been given to me, much is required of me. That’s my responsibility, and I accept it with gratitude.” (Blanchard & Cathy, 2002, p. 82)
- Since we are a steward of God’s things, we accept that we’ll have great responsibility. Plentiful blessings come with equal responsibility
- Quote: “He said that the Driver’s family may not have been blessed with material wealth, but they had other riches that they shared freely and cheerfully. They gave of their time. They shared their talents.” (Blanchard & Cathy, 2002, p. 91)
- While wealth in the world’s eyes is money, wealth in God’s eyes is time and talents. The more generous someone is with their time and talents, the better steward they are.
- Quote: “I’ve had so many blessings in my life. I thank God for all of them, great and small. I thank Him for my children, for my jobs, for my friends, for this church.” (Blanchard & Cathy, 2002, p. 92)
- Because everything is God’s and we are stewards of his things, being thankful to Him for his blessings for being a steward is wonderful.
- Quote: “The truth is, I am not poor today. But money has nothing to do with it. Money isn’t what makes a person rich. The people I meet in the street make me rich.” (Blanchard & Cathy, 2002, p. 95)
- Thinking back to chapter 14, God doesn’t see money as a factor for determining if someone is rich or poor. Rather, how good of a steward they are of their time, money, and other blessings.
- Quote: “It is all a gift from our Creator. It’s all His in the first place.” (Blanchard & Cathy, 2002, p. 96)
- This quote piggybacks the previous one but remembering that no matter where money or time is earned, it’s all from God and we must be a good steward for it.
- Quote: “As he reflected on his day, the Broker began to sense that true heartfelt generosity was more of a widespread phenomenon that he had originally believed.” (Blanchard & Cathy, 2002, p. 99)
- The Broker’s change of heart from the Executive’s influence goes to show how long of a way the generosity he showed him went.
- Quote: “The five key points were neatly listed: He Owns It All, Every Day Is an Opportunity, Action Is Required, Remember Your Blessings, and Thank Him.” (Blanchard & Cathy, 2002, p. 104)
- All five points spell out “HEART.” It’s a good way to remember them, as well as know that generosity is a work of heart.
- Quote:
- “He still tells them that if they want to be leaders in life, they must learn to become servants.” (Blanchard & Cathy, 2002, p. 113)
- This goes back to the idea of servant leadership. In order to lead, knowing how to serve is first and foremost.
- Quote: “So I quietly studied him—his life, his giving habits, his care and concern for others—and it all rang true.” (Blanchard & Cathy, 2002, p. 114)
- In order to become more generous, watching role models as to how they are generous can help.